SERD Newsletter – July 2022
July 2022 NewsletterApplause The numbers are in, and the last two years (FY20 and FY21) have been banner years for research funding for our school with $80 million and counting in new awards! Congratulations to the entire SEHD community for making the most of these...
CERD Newsletter Fall 2021
Research Dean's Corner One year into my role as Associate Dean for Research, I reflect on the opportunities I’ve had to work more closely with the faculty in our college and with the various committees and units within our college and across the university that...
CERD Newsletter-Spring 2021
Research Dean's Corner We have worked remotely due the pandemic, this shift has largely blurred the lines between our work and home lives. While the pandemic has strained everyone, the stress and impacts from Covid-19 are felt more severely by some. Among our PIs and...
Newsletter from CERD-Special Edition
Newsletter from CERD Special Edition Dean’s Corner for 2020 Special Edition As I write this, I am finishing up my last few days as your full-time Associate Dean for Research; lots of transitions coming up! In these most unusual pandemic times, we are all...
CERD Newsletter Fall 2020
Research Dean's Corner Change is hard; major and sudden changes even harder. I have heard from some of you about all the changes that you are going through in your professional, personal, and family lives this year. For me, one major change that I experienced was my...
Summer 2019
Summer 2019 Newsletter from CERD Research Dean's Corner by Dr. Susan Bloomfield Hello, colleagues near and far: Summer is upon us and the weather gods have been relatively merciful thus far this June, for which I am grateful. The hectic pace of regular semester...
Spring 2019
Spring 2019 Newsletter from CERD Research Dean's Corner by Dr. Susan Bloomfield We are well into 2019 and the pace of academic/research life seems to accelerate the deeper we get into the semester. That said, I hope you can reserve some time on your schedule to...
Winter 2018
Winter Time in Aggieland Welcome to the College of Education and Human Development -Research and Development (CERD) Winter 2018 Newsletter. As a support office to the college, we provide assistance to faculty members in pre and post award areas of research, as well...
Fall 2017
Dr. Kay Wijekumar Hosts SUMMIT-Literacy Conference in Brownsville In her ongoing research with Brownsville ISD, Dr. Kay Wijekumar, Professor in TLAC and Director of the Center for Urban Schools Partnerships (CUSP) , hosted her SUMMIT Literacy Conference in...
Summer 2017
CERD Office Celebrates with Open House and Ice Cream Social to Round Out Year One Many thanks to those of you who were able to join us on July 27th for our one year celebration of CERD (CEHD...
Late Spring 2017
STEM Saturday a Success The Community Research through Engagement in STEM Teaching (CREST) Project focuses on undergraduate STEM majors who will be entering the STEM workforce. Undergraduates will be working on developing communication and collaboration skills through...
Spring 2017
Human Clinical Research Facility Grand Opening Mark your calendars for the grand opening of the Human Clinical Research Facility (HCRF) building on April 11 from 1-5 pm. Drs. Deutz and Kreider’s laboratories have been moved to this new state-of-the-art facility that...