REO Internal Funding Opportunities

With the generous support and funding from the Dean’s office of the School of Education & Human Development, REO provides internal seed grant competitions designed to support preliminary or exploratory research (Catapult) and empower excellence in teaching (TEGP). With the R3 series of funding opportunities, further support is available to our principal investigators with the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of promising proposals that need additional assistance to push them over the funding line with resubmission. Finally, the new Catalyst fund is designed to bolster efforts by our faculty toward the creation of research groups. REO welcomes ideas on what kinds of support are needed to ensure the success of our faculty researchers!
The currently open internal funding opportunities can be accessed on our InfoReady submission site.

The Catalyst Fund

The Catalyst fund is designed to support and stimulate the development of faculty research interest groups, primarily those with an aim of developing future institutes or centers.

On August 13, 2024, Dean Michael de Miranda announced that an RFA for the Catalyst Fund will be coming soon.

Teaching Excellence Grant Program (TEGP)

The SEHD Teaching Excellence Grant Program (TEGP) provides grant funding awards designed to empower excellence in all aspects of teaching by SEHD faculty. TEGP projects should be to promote students’ learning, including:

  • The implementation of innovative, high impact teaching methods that can be immediately and successfully integrated into instructional practice across the SEHD and result in significant improvements in the learning outcomes of the students taught by SEHD faculty
  • The engagement of undergraduate students with the scholarship of teaching and learning
  • The improvement of distance education
  • To learn more about TEGP, email

Review, Revise, & Resubmit (R3)

The Review, Revise, & Resubmit (R3) Program supports SEHD PIs and their research teams to improve the competitiveness of previously submitted external grant proposals that were not funded but received feedback. Funds will support PIs to reinvest efforts in their external grant proposals that show promise based on reviewers or panel comments and feedback.

  • The written review comments of the external grant proposal must indicate that the proposed project is feasible and promising for funding despite some areas of weaknesses or limitations that can be addressed and improved upon
  • Resubmission of a revised proposal to the targeted sponsor must be made within 18 months of the activation of the R3 award
  • To learn more about R3, email

The deadline for this competition was January 19th, 2024 at 11:59 PM CST. To access the guidelines, please click here.

Catapult Seed Grants

FY2025 Catapult seed funding, available to Tenured/Tenure-track CEHD faculty that are not currently a PI on a federal research grant, is designed to support preliminary or exploratory research that has the potential to increase the competitiveness of  their future proposal applications for external funding agencies.

To learn more about the Catapult Seed Grant Program, email

The deadline for this competition is October 25th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CST and proposals are currently being accepted. To access the guidelines, please click here.

Emerge: AI

The Emerge: program is a rapid response fund developed to address current topics that have a need for immediate research. Emerge topics will be announced as needs are determined. 

Emerge: AI – On August 13, 2024, Dean Michael de Miranda announced that an RFP for the Emerge: AI cycle will be coming soon to accept proposals focused on artificial intelligence.


Given the challenges associated with securing extramural funding and recognition of the need to support novel and innovative research endeavors, the purpose of the R3+ Program is to assist EHD Investigators in securing external funding by further advancing a competitive research idea. This is a specialized fund for EHD Investigators with a current track record of successful grant funding through which there has been a direct and indirect benefit to the College of Education and Human Development.

Eligibility:  The R3+ program is designed for EHD PIs and their research teams who have either 1) participated in the R3 program but did not receive a fundable outcome upon resubmission of their grant or 2) need of specialized supplemental funding. We will prioritize PIs that have received an R3 award within 5 years, completed all the required elements of the R3 application, and the resubmitted grant proposal was not funded but did move incrementally toward the funding threshold.

TAMU Internal Funding Opportunities

Texas A&M provides internal grants to inspire interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations on groundbreaking research. To view these opportunities, view the Additional Programs section of the VPR’s Find Funding page.

External Funding Opportunities

Texas A&M has resources available to locate external funding opportunities specific to your research areas and needs. For external competitions that have limitations on the number of submissions per institution, Texas A&M manages an internal application process.

SEHD Highlighted Opportunities

NSF Research on Innovative Technologies for Enhanced Learning (RITEL)

From the NSF, the RITEL program supports early-stage research in emerging technologies for teaching and learning that respond to pressing needs in authentic (real-world) educational environments. RITEL supports future-oriented exploratory and synergistic research in emerging technologies (including, but not limited to, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and immersive or augmenting technologies) for teaching and learning. The program accepts proposals that focus on learning, teaching, or a combination of both, and requires that projects must advance research on that front and on technology.  RITEL supports research in all learning contexts (e.g., formal, informal, workplace) and for all learner populations. Due: January 24, 2024


Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program
Due Various Dates


Institute of Education Sciences (IES) FY 2024 Research Grant Competitions

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES), under the US Department of Education, supports research that addresses important issues in education and develops solutions that improve school readiness and academic achievement for all students.
The FY2024 IES Requests for Applications are being released on a rolling basis. Please note that not all FY 2024 competitions may have the same deadlines.
Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences, Statistical and Research Methodology in Education – Due: September 21, 2023
Special Education Research and Development Center – Due: January 11, 2024