Research Finance
The Research Finance Office is responsible for helping principal investigators and research personnel with the efficient and effective fiscal management of external grants and contracts once awarded
What We Offer
- Account management for external sponsored research projects
- Supply and Material purchases
- Independent Contractor payments
- Research Participant payments
- Payroll sourcing and planning
- Hotel and Event contracting
- Account monitoring
- Expenditure planning
- Liaison with Sponsored Research Services (SRS)
Please submit a Post-Award Request Form for the following
- Purchase Requests
- Vendor Invoices
- Independent contractor certifications forms (ICSC)
- Independent contractor invoices
- Credit card receipts
- Hotel and event contracts
Please email for payroll actions
- Faculty Effort
- Summer Salary
- Research staff effort
Clayton Holle
Modesta Molina
Marianna Lovato
Jennifer Ramirez
Makenna Kotrla
Business Coordinator I
Office 438