Working Together with REO and SRS

REO's Role

CEHD REO helps our researchers with:

  • identifying potential funding opportunities or collaborators
  • discussing alignment and research strategy
  • proposal development planning and needs
  • reviewing and editing proposal narratives
  • connecting with stakeholders

SRS's Role

TAMU SRS helps our researchers with:

  • developing a timeline for the submission stages of the proposal
  • building the proposal budget
  • preparing proposal application forms
  • quality checking the proposal components for compliance

See Submission Guidelines for proposals here.


SRS PI Guidebook

The SRS PI Guidebook has been created by to help our researchers understand what to expect from the research administration support provided by Texas A&M University (TAMU) Sponsored Research Services (SRS). 

The guidebook will introduce the functional areas of SRS and the services they provide to the researcher during the sponsored project lifecycle.



Action Required

  • As soon as you identify a potential funding opportunity of interest, notify REO for discussions on research alignment, strategy, stakeholder/participant outreach, proposal development planning and needs.
  • If you would like REO to schedule a Chalk Talk for you to discuss your research strategy and proposal elements with subject matter experts during the proposal development process, please fill out this form at least two months before the funder’s anticipated deadline.
  • Complete PI approvals and FCOI compliance for large center grants at least one month before the funder’s deadline.

Action Required

  • For a complete review of your proposal narrative, email at least 3 weeks before the funder’s deadline.
  • For course buyouts, cost share, space usage, or signatures needed, notify department chair at least 3 weeks before the funder’s deadline.

Action Required

  • For a final review by REO, final versions of the proposal materials are due.

Clarifying Notes

  • At this point in the timeline, proposals will only receive a limited review, consisting of confirmation of documents required for submission.


Action Required

  • Contact SRS with your intent to submit at least 3 weeks before the funder’s deadline.
  • Provide the information requested in this proposal intake form, along with points of contact for any subrecipient institutions, at least 3 weeks before the funder’s deadline.
  • Confirm for SRS that you have discussed with your department head 1) your plans for submission and 2) what your effort per year will be on the grant, should it be awarded.
  • Begin working with your SRS Proposal Administrator on budget development and proposal application forms.

Clarifying Notes

  • Complex proposals (e.g. the proposal contains subcontracts or cost share/match, large center grant proposals, etc..) or solicitations containing terms and conditions may need additional preparation time (longer than 3 weeks). Therefore, researchers are encouraged to contact SRS as soon as possible to facilitate the proposal submission.
  • See SRS’s full proposal submission guidelines and timelines here.

Action Required

  • All administrative and ancillary portions of the proposal should be completed and provided to SRS to upload into the proposal application package.
  • All documents and steps required for the proposal to be routed for approval in Maestro (A&M’s internal system of record) should be completed.
  • All subrecipient documents should be received for incorporation into the lead institution’s proposal.

Clarifying Notes

  • See SRS’s full proposal submission guidelines and a list of the administrative vs technical components of a proposal here.

Action Required

  • The final version of your Proposal Narrative and all other technical portions of the proposal should be submitted to SRS no later than 1 business day before the funder’s deadline.

Clarifying Notes

  • Proposals in final format received at SRS by this timeline will receive a complete and thorough quality review. It is highly recommended that SRS be allowed to start this quality review well ahead of this 1 day deadline to allow ample time for the PI or proposal administrator to address any findings.
  • Unless the deadline is specifically defined as earlier than 5 pm by the sponsor, the submission deadline for SRS is 5 pm local time on the sponsor’s specified deadline date (even if the sponsor allows submissions beyond 5 pm).
  • If a proposal is submitted to the sponsor without SRS or System Member review, the proposal may be withdrawn if it is determined to be non-compliant with the System Member rules, SAPs or guidelines.
  • See SRS’s full proposal submission guidelines, expectations, and a list of the administrative vs technical components of a proposal here.

Subrecipient Process

If you are including another institution as a subrecipient on your grant proposal, please notify your SRS proposal administrator right away so they can begin working with that institution to obtain all the required documents.  The following information is needed:

      • Points of Contact (technical/administrative)
      • Statement of work
      • Budget
      • Budget Justification
      • Sub-Commitment Form*

* If institutions are registered in the expanded FDP Clearinghouse, a sub-recipient form will not be needed. The sub-recipient institution should instead provide a Letter of Intent for our office of sponsored research Download a sample letter.

Research Resources