Research Dean’s Corner

Change is hard; major and sudden changes even harder. I have heard from some of you about all the changes that you are going through in your professional, personal, and family lives this year. For me, one major change that I experienced was my appointment as Associate Dean for Research during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. As I reflect on my first three months as Associate Dean, I have come to appreciate the art of listening and of embracing change and growth opportunities.

Council of Principal Investigators (CPI)

                                                                                                                         Dr. Tamika Gilreath, CPI Chair

The CEHD Council of Principal Investigators held their first meeting of the new academic year on September 17, 2020, led by the new Chair, Dr. Tamika Gilreath, Associate Professor in the Health & Kinesiology Department. Thanks to everyone who participated and contributed to a lively and informative CERD Coffee Chat co-sponsored with CEHD CPI. Our October Coffee Chat focused on “Ways to adapt outreach and research methods in #COVID19”, with Gerianne Alexander (Associate Vice President for Research & Research Integrity Officer), Nicolaas (Mick) Deutz (Director of CTRAL) and Krystal Simmons (Exec Director CAC) as guest panelists.

Pre-award Updates

ERD Pre-award Office hires new Senior Research Development Officer

Like most CEHD employees, our CERD office is currently working remotely rather than oncampus. But we are here and ready to answer all your needs virtually. We’re only a phone call, email, or zoom meeting away! For guidance from Texas A&M University’s Division of Research on how to continue research during the COVID-19, please visit If any faculty wishes to contribute to research related to the COVID-19 pandemic, be sure to look through the opportunities posted at Researchers can also find a list of federal funding announcements for COVID-19 research by visiting


POST-award Updates

Summer Payroll Planning Has Started

The CEHD Post Award office is continuing to work remotely. If there are any questions regarding grant expenditures, or if you would like to arrange a zoom meeting or conference call, please contact one of the shared email boxes below. Payroll and Personnel Orders, Invoice Payments, or Contracts Fall 2020 payroll and research efforts have been entered. If you have grant payroll efforts that have not yet been communicated with the post award team, or if you have a newly awarded grant that requires grant effort, please contact the payroll box above.


Outreach Services Update

Spring Forecast

The first day of spring is just a few days away and I am forecasting the best spring ever and hopefully you are too! CERD Outreach has continued to work hard through the fall and winter to find ways to connect with and for faculty of the College. Since there has been no travel, we have focused on local initiatives including Brazos Valley Teach. BVT is a brand new project funded by the Greater Texas Foundation. Lead PI Dr. Val Hill-Jackson (TLAC) and Co-PI Dr. Leann Smith (EPSY) are working with three local pilot districts, Caldwell, Hearne and Bryan ISDs. Brazos Valley Teach (BVT) is an innovative college bridge and transfer transition program designed for high school students who know that a career in teaching is for them.